Collection: Crystal chips

Crystal chip bracelets, necklace, rings & earrings.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the range of crystals available and their properties.

  • Amazonite

    Known to alleviate worry and to soothe emotional trauma and fear. Also linked to money, luck and overall success.

  • Amethyst

    Incredibly calming whilst providing stimulation for the mind. Extremely powerful & protective.

  • Aquamarine

    A stone of courage. Washes away stress and fear and is a great crystal for the emotionally sensitive.

  • Aventurine

    A true heart healer, bringing a sense of calm and wellbeing to the wearer. A crystal of prosperity.

  • Black Tourmaline

    The negativity busting crystal. Clears your aura and allows the wearer to feel comfortable in other groups.

  • Carnelian

    Restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices.

  • Citrine

    Enhances motivation and self confidence whilst known for overcoming depression and fears. Carrying the energy of the sun it energises every level of life.

  • Clear Quartz

    The most powerful healing crystal. Known to restore, absorb and regulate energy and stimulate the immune system.

  • Fluorite

    Focuses the mind; the perfect crystal to aid work and study. The best crystal to combat disorganisation.

  • Grey Moonstone

    Prevents the wearer from negative energy and is useful when you don't have enough energy or are getting weak.

  • Howlite

    Strengthens memory and stimulates the wearers desire for knowledge. Great for teaching patience and for eliminating pain, rage and stress.

  • Lilac Amethyst

    Great for relieving stress. One of the most spiritual crystals, promoting love.

  • Malachite

    Balances mood swings, heals cramps, alleviates menstrual issues and boosts the immune system.

  • Moonstone

    Soothes emotional instability and stress. Known to help support the reproductive system it is perfect for conception, pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding.

  • Red Coral

    Imparts courage and overcoming fear and nervousness in the wearer. Perfect for that self-esteem boost and helps in overcoming skin issues such as acne.

  • Rose Quartz

    The crystal of universal and unconditional love. It opens the heart to promote love, self love, friendship and feelings of inner peace.

  • Sodalite

    Holds the ability to clear the mind and bring deep thought. Often called the 'logic' crystal empowering creativity and observation.

  • Snow Quartz

    Provides emotional stability and can help the wearer control emotional outbursts. Reminds people to think before they speak and teaches direction and patience.

  • Sunstone

    This crystal is brimming with positive energy and works as a magnet to draw good luck to the wearer. Helps with SAD, aches and pains and helps the body heal.

  • Turquoise

    Known to promote mental calm and prevent negative energy. Anti-inflammatory properties and a great healer for depression, fatigue and panic attacks.

  • White Agate

    Beneficial for mental issues including frustration and anxiety.

  • Yellow Serpentine

    Known to encourage fertility and balance hormones. Helps the wearer to step away from their past and move forward.